
Dru Yoga provides physical, mental and emotional advantages through the different posture sequences and awareness of body movements. “Dru” was coined from the Sanskrit word dhruva meaning “still” and “unchanging”. This ancient yogic tradition, which remains apt in the modern world, focuses towards our Dhruvakasha, an inner space which is still and spacious. No matter how stressful our lives can become, this place retains our inner tranquility and strength.

Anyone can take part in a Dru Yoga session. There are no age limits, state of health, or level of fitness required in going through this fitness activity. This is because Dru Yoga utilizes the “soft-body approach” as a stress antidote in a deeper level. Through a simple sequence of Yoga Postures done with great focus and attention, our body releases our inner strength, peace and poise. The body, mind and emotions are all interconnected, affecting each state for better or for worse. Improving the body’s mobility will also result to a better emotional and mental state.

One of the most significant contributions of the Dru Yoga in the Yoga world is the Energy Block Release sequences (EBRs). These are easy-to-perform sequences of movements, Breathing patterns, hand gestures and visualizations that help release the blockages of energy. These blockages of energy lead to diseases, pains, and stress. Through the EBRs, one will experience a complete improvement in well-being.

The key to an effective Dru Yoga practice is to be aware of your movements than your physical accomplishments. Here are several poses and their specific benefits:

  • The Dru Sun Sequence – to dramatically boost vitality and get rid of stress
  • The Seat of Compassion Sequence – to transform painful emotions
  • The Salutation to the Four Directions Sequence – to direct your subtle energy to heal physical, mental, or emotional diseases
  • Introspection or Immortality Sequence – to change negative thoughts into new patterns of confidence and inspiration

Other than these, Dru Yoga also results to enhancement of physical well-being. When done regularly, this can boost energy level and improve vitality, flexibility, strength and stamina. Moreover, breathing and sleeping patterns can also be improved. Dru Yoga also helps lessen back pains and overall body tension. It is also recommended to enter a Dru Yoga session to effectively handle stress and manage conflicts we encounter everyday. Attain a more positive attitude in your life, look younger, and feel younger through Dru Yoga!

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